massage for winter arthritis

How Massage Therapy Can Help to Kick That Winter Arthritis

November 21, 2018

Cold weather, pain, and massage therapy go hand in hand. It’s winter, when we all feel those aches and pains that seemed less obvious or restrictive during the fall and summer seasons. But, there is an unsuspected, non-prescription remedy to address your weather-related issues.


Can you guess?

Massage therapy can help fight off negative effects that cold weather brings to your body. Regular massage of muscles and joints by a licensed massage therapist can lead to a significant reduction in pain for people with arthritis.


What is arthritis?

Arthritis is an umbrella term for over 100 medical conditions which impact the musculoskeletal system. Arthritis targets the joints where bones meet, causing pain, inflammation, stiffness, and erosion to bone cartilage.


How can massage help?

Massages work to counter the stiff and painful experience of living with arthritis. Some of the benefits include:

  • Improved joint mobility
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduced anxiety

If you’re interested in trying one of the many types of massage as a way to ease your arthritis symptoms, it’s important to consult your rheumatologist or primary-care physician first to ensure that massage is safe for you.

Some techniques may involve strong pressure to sensitive tissues and joints, or moving limbs into various positions that may be difficult for someone with damaged joints from a disease like rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis.


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