Revolutionize Your Tip Tracking System With Tip Management Software

Need to collect and track tips? Noterro's on it.

tip tracking software


Are you tired of manually tracking tips and struggling to keep up with who received them? Say goodbye to the hassle and hello to Noterro's Tip feature!

Streamlined Tip Tracking

With Noterro, you can easily keep track of tips and the practitioners who received them. No more confusion or guesswork when it comes to distributing tips among your team. Noterro simplifies the process, making it easier than ever to manage and allocate tips.

Convenient Tip Selection

During the checkout process, you can even select between common tip amounts. This makes it seamless for your patients to show appreciation for their practitioner's excellent service. With just a few clicks, they can add a tip that reflects their satisfaction.

Tip Reports - The Hall of Fame

Our Tip Report is like a Hall of Fame for your most appreciated practitioners. It provides a comprehensive breakdown of tip amounts received by each practitioner. You can easily review the report and acknowledge the exceptional work of your team members.

Clear Tip Sales Reports

No more confusion when it comes to tip sales reports. With Noterro, you can break down tip sales reports. This clarity allows you to gain insights into the financial performance of your tips. Stay informed about how tips contribute to your revenue and make informed decisions based on the data.

Customize to Fit Your Clinic

If your clinic doesn't accept tips, don't worry! You can easily disable the tip feature from appearing during the payment process. Noterro provides you with the flexibility to customize the system to fit your clinic's specific preferences and policies. You're in full control.

Go ahead and focus on providing top-notch service to your patients, and let Noterro take care of the tip management.


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