Streamline Your Practice with Medical Shorthand PMS

Create, use and share common phrases.


One size fits all

From short phrases to treatment plans, any size text can be made into a Snippet. This makes note-taking quicker than ever.

snippets list

Accessible with a slash

Within your notes, you can easily pull up your Snippets by using a forward slash and your shortcut.

snippet note
practitioner snippet

Shareable Libraries

The Snippets you create can be copied to your co-worker's list, and vice versa. We've also created a starter pack of Noterro Snippets you can copy into your personal list.

Snippets in bit more detail

Noterro Snippets are here to revolutionize your note-taking experience. These magic shortcuts allow you to create, use, and share common phrases effortlessly with just a few clicks, boosting your productivity to new heights.

Discover the Power of Noterro Snippets

Effortless Creation: Whether it's a simple acronym or a comprehensive treatment plan, Noterro Snippets have got you covered. Say goodbye to repetitive typing and let Snippets handle the heavy lifting for you.

Speedy Implementation: With Noterro Snippets at your fingertips, taking notes has never been easier and faster. Just a few clicks, and your frequently used phrases appear right in front of you.

Instant Access: Accessing your Snippets is as easy as pie! Just use a forward slash and your chosen shortcut, and voila! Your Snippet is ready for action.

Seamless Sharing: Spread the Snippet love with your co-workers! Share your Snippets effortlessly, and they can copy them into their own lists. Likewise, they can share theirs with you. Collaboration has never been more convenient.

Starter Pack Included: Not sure where to start? No problem! We've prepared a starter pack of Noterro Snippets, ready for you to copy into your personal list. Kickstart your note-taking journey with ease.

Upgrade Your Note-Taking Game Today!

Why waste time on repetitive typing when you can streamline your workflow with Noterro Snippets? Simplify your note-taking, save time, and boost productivity. Experience the magic of Snippets for yourself, and watch your efficiency soar. Give it a try now and transform the way you take notes!


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Try Noterro and discover that running your practice doesn’t need to feel overwhelming
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