Never Miss an Appointment with Automated Waitlists

Add patients to your waitlist and reach out when you have an opening.

Create as many as you need

Patients can select practitioner, location, and day/time preferences in order to be notified of relevant schedule openings.

waitlist dashboard

Quickly see your matches

Waitlist details can be viewed by day, by practitioner, or by patient. With so many ways to access your waitlist, you’ll have full control over who you notify to fill your schedule.

waitlist matches
edit waitlist

Flexible preferences

When creating a waitlist, patients can choose specific locations, date-ranges, and times-of-day. This helps Noterro filter them accordingly so you’re always reaching out to the right patients.

See a lot ... or a little

Your waitlist notifications can be sent to every patient who matches your day’s openings. You can also choose to select specific patients to reach out to individually.

waitlist notify

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Try Noterro and discover that running your practice doesn’t need to feel overwhelming
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