No More Double Entries
Seamlessly access TELUS eClaims directly from Noterro. Submit insurance claims electronically without having to enter information twice.

Save Time & Money
Yup, that's right, you will be able to run your entire clinic including insurance and TELUS eClaims submissions.
Less Paperwork & Paper Waste
Reduce Patient Expenses
Only pay for the portion not covered by their insurer¹.
Reduce Your Paper Consumption
With TELUS eClaims you are doing your part for the environment.
Get Extra Visibility
TELUS eClaims providers are listed on a search tool that was used over 40,000 times last year.
No More Surprises
With Eligibility Checks, you can check the coverage for a service before you actually run the claim. This is great for communicating expectations with your patients before their service begins, so there’s no surprises later.