palliative care

The Many Benefits of Massage Therapy for Palliative Care

November 5, 2016

Massage Therapy Can Be Very Beneficial When Dealing with Serious Illness

Massage is an ancient technique that involves manipulating muscles and rubbing or stroking the soft tissues of the body. It is considered one of many types of complementary therapies, which intend to treat the whole person, not just the symptoms of disease.

Massage therapists seeing clients with advanced illness can attest to its many benefits. It reduces stress and relaxes patients during and after a session. Massage bolsters the immune system and helps remove toxins from the body, increases circulation and restores energy. It reduces pain and minimizes the effects of radiation and chemotherapy treatments and even medication side-effects.

In a recently published article entitled, “Massage Therapy Important in Palliative Care,” Massage Magazine writes,

“Massage therapy is a valuable component of palliative care, the medical subspecialty focused on treating the pain, symptoms and stress of advanced illnesses. Recent studies show how palliative care provides pain relief and saves money, and hospitals across the nation are increasingly implementing palliative care programs to help patients manage the physical and emotional burdens of serious illnesses.”

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