Case Study

Enhancing Clinic Operations with Noterro at Balance Integrative Health

Revolutionizing Holistic Healthcare: How Noterro Transformed Balance Integrative Health in Burlington


Balance Integrative Health, under the leadership of Dough Mathieu, has been providing a range of holistic health & wellness services in Burlington, Canada, for over a decade. To improve its clinical operations and patient experience, Balance Integrative Health sought to modernize its technical infrastructure by implementing a clinic management solution.

Problem Statement

Balance Integrative Health grappled with antiquated paper-based record-keeping systems and inefficient scheduling processes. Manual administrative tasks and the risk of lost or damaged patient files were hampering their ability to provide the best-of-class treatment to their patients.


Noterro provided Balance Integrative Health with a comprehensive solution to streamline operations and enhance patient engagement. By digitizing records and automating scheduling, Noterro empowered the clinic to modernize its approach to healthcare delivery.

"My no-shows are probably now down to around 99.9%. People show up. So it's rare that I ever have a no-show now because of that. I have email confirmations, and I also have text messaging for patients regarding their upcoming appointments."

Doug Mathieu


  • Efficient Record-Keeping: Noterro enabled the clinic to digitize patient records, ensuring accuracy and accessibility while minimizing the risk of loss or damage.
  • Streamlined Scheduling: Noterro's scheduling capabilities and automated reminders led to a remarkable reduction in no-show rates, exceeding 99%. Patients appreciated the convenience and reliability of appointment notifications.
  • Enhanced Clinical Operations: Noterro seamlessly integrated into their daily operations, empowering them to make informed decisions and optimize workflow efficiency.
  • Improved Patient Experience: Patients benefited from the convenience of online booking and timely communication facilitated by Noterro. The software's user-friendly interface and proactive engagement features fostered a positive patient experience, driving loyalty and satisfaction.

How Noterro Helped Them Scale

Noterro's commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction supported Balance Integrative Health's growth journey. With ongoing updates and enhancements, Noterro adapted to the clinic's evolving needs, ensuring continued success and operational excellence.

In conclusion, the integration of Noterro has empowered Balance Integrative Health to optimize operations and uphold its commitment to excellence in healthcare delivery. With Noterro as a trusted partner, Dough Mathieu and his team are poised to continue their compassionate care and holistic wellness legacy.

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