Managing Displayed Calendar Time Range

You can specify the start and end times displayed on your calendar in Noterro. This only affects what times are visible on the calendar while you or other staff members are interacting with it. Don't need to see 2am because you never work at that time? This solves that problem. Keep in mind, that this does not affect when patients can book online, that's done by scheduling availability.

To set the Displayed Calendar Time Range, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as the Admin.
  2. Click on the Gear icon in the top right header.
  3. Select Calendar from the menu.
  4. Set your Start and End times.
  5. Click Save.

We also recommend adding some buffer time at the start and end, this way if you need to place an event in your calendar that is outside your regular working hours, it's visible.

Manage Overlapping Appointments with Double Booking

You can specify the start and end times displayed on your calendar in Noterro. This only affects what times are visible on the calendar while you or other staff members are interacting with it. Don't need to see 2am because you never work at that time? This solves that problem. Keep in mind, that this does not affect when patients can book online, that's done by scheduling availability.

To set the Displayed Calendar Time Range, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as the Admin.
  2. Click on the Gear icon in the top right header.
  3. Select Calendar from the menu.
  4. Set your Start and End times.
  5. Click Save.

We also recommend adding some buffer time at the start and end, this way if you need to place an event in your calendar that is outside your regular working hours, it's visible.

You can specify the start and end times displayed on your calendar in Noterro. This only affects what times are visible on the calendar while you or other staff members are interacting with it. Don't need to see 2am because you never work at that time? This solves that problem. Keep in mind, that this does not affect when patients can book online, that's done by scheduling availability.

To set the Displayed Calendar Time Range, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as the Admin.
  2. Click on the Gear icon in the top right header.
  3. Select Calendar from the menu.
  4. Set your Start and End times.
  5. Click Save.

We also recommend adding some buffer time at the start and end, this way if you need to place an event in your calendar that is outside your regular working hours, it's visible.

Manage Overlapping Appointments with Double Booking

calendar date picker

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