Embedding Web Portal results in "Refused to Connect" error

The Web Portal cannot be embedded into another web page. Embedding the Web Portal will result in a "Refused to Connect" error. Instead of embedding, we recommend placing a "Book Now" link or button on your website.

Why can't I embed the Web Portal on my website?

We've disallowed the Web Portal from being embedded in web pages to better align with the compatibility of web apps. The Web Portal requires cookies to function, and with the movement away from third-party cookies by major browsers like Google Chrome and Apple Safari it's not recommended to embed pages which require cookies.

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The Web Portal cannot be embedded into another web page. Embedding the Web Portal will result in a "Refused to Connect" error. Instead of embedding, we recommend placing a "Book Now" link or button on your website.

Why can't I embed the Web Portal on my website?

We've disallowed the Web Portal from being embedded in web pages to better align with the compatibility of web apps. The Web Portal requires cookies to function, and with the movement away from third-party cookies by major browsers like Google Chrome and Apple Safari it's not recommended to embed pages which require cookies.

No items found.

The Web Portal cannot be embedded into another web page. Embedding the Web Portal will result in a "Refused to Connect" error. Instead of embedding, we recommend placing a "Book Now" link or button on your website.

Why can't I embed the Web Portal on my website?

We've disallowed the Web Portal from being embedded in web pages to better align with the compatibility of web apps. The Web Portal requires cookies to function, and with the movement away from third-party cookies by major browsers like Google Chrome and Apple Safari it's not recommended to embed pages which require cookies.

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