couples massage

Couples Massage Could Prove to Be an Advantageous Business Idea

March 3, 2017

A couples massage is a wonderfully relaxing, personal experience.


During the session, two people receive massages at the same time and in the same room from two different therapists. Couples massage is a special, shared experience that encourages two people to bond closer together. Clients may use the session to catch up, communicate and chat, or they may simply relax and enjoy their shared experience in comfortable silence. Even when words are not spoken, the experience brings couples closer together.


In a recently published article entitled, “Is Couples Massage Right for Your Practice?”, author and expert, Robin Blaisdell, writes:


“While massage for couples can be anything you want it to be, most couples will expect a shared massage time to be a way for them to connect with each other in health and relaxation.”


Finding time for each other, let alone massages, can be difficult for couples with busy schedules. By pairing massage sessions with quality bonding time, couples can accomplish two goals at once and emerge relaxed, refreshed and reconnected.


How do you integrate couples massage into your business’s repertoire?


“We don’t all have a large enough space to use for just one technique such as couples massage, but we can find new and creative ways to turn what we have into a functional space with minimal cost,” she writes, adding, “A friend of mine works at an office where they have adjacent rooms with double doors that they can either close to create two separate rooms, or they can leave the doors open to offer massage for couples.”


While dealing with space issues can be a daunting challenge, so to can be trying to market to couples, especially if either spouse is adverse to actually going out and getting a massage. But Blaisdell suggests that the answer to that to that is a couple’s massage.


“Many clients may have spouses or loved ones who are hesitant to being touched. I have found that many of them will say yes to massage when there is a friend or partner in the room with him.”


Couples massage could increase your clientele and create not only a unique business dynamic, but a unique atmosphere.



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