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Nick Gabriele

Nick Gabriele

Director, Noterro

Nick Gabriele, Director, Noterro, has been leading the company to greater heights since May 2012. With his vision and 10+ years of expertise, Noterro has become a leading practice management software that offers users an innovative platform for storing notes, tracking appointments, and managing their practice.

Noterro was born out of the need to create a more efficient way to manage paper charts at Ontario College of Health and Technology, which Nick owned.

For nine years, he has performed Independent Medical Evaluations, which allowed him to sharpen his skills in assessing and providing solutions to various health-related issues. With a strong background in rehabilitation settings, including Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, and Massage Therapy, Nick has also garnered a wealth of experience in his field.

Furthermore, Nick has a knack for passion and proficiency in education that has also led him to work in private education for over 20 years. This invaluable experience has enabled him to develop a deeper understanding of how to deliver top-notch training and support to individuals and organizations alike.

In addition to his professional achievements, Nick is an active speaker and has participated in several webinars and podcasts on topics related to electronic record-keeping and practice management. He also has written a plethora of leadership articles on tech topics, including "Charting in the electronic age," "How to Leverage Practice Management Software." His work has been featured in top industry publications, such as Hamilton News. Nick’s insights also have been cited in notable Podcasts like Business Blueprint and Practiciology.

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Nick Gabriele

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