noterro clinic settings

Updates are coming to Noterro’s settings

April 27, 2022

⭐These updates will be rolling out to clinics over the next few weeks.⭐

Simplified navigation

Clinic and user settings’ menus have been simplified to provide more intuitive access into the things you manage.

clinic settings

Everything in one place

Settings have been reorganized to give you more at-a-glance visibility, helping you quickly manage your clinic.

base clinic

One-page access

Settings are being redesigned for speed. More settings can be edited in the sidebar, meaning less clicking around and more productivity.

You haven't heard from us much lately because we've been working on something really big! 🤫 We'll be announcing more details very soon. However, we have still been updating Noterro, below are some worthy mentions of recent updates.


Other Worthy Mentions

  • Patients on the waitlist are now displayed in alphabetical order.
  • "Last Year" has been added to all Reports as an available quick selection.
  • The Sales Report now has a Year-to-Date option.
  • Printed and PDF invoices now include the name of the discount, if one is applied.
  • Waitlists now allows you to add a patient to multiple practitioner's waitlists at once.
  • Waitlists matches no-longer include patients who have an appointment on the same day as the waitlist you're viewing.
  • We've improve the reliability of the clinical note's auto-save feature.
  • We've added more insurance related columns to the Sales Report.
  • When adding an appointment or class, the location is now preselected based on the location you're currently viewing.
  • We've made the process of agreeing to agreements more obvious for patients filling out intake forms.
  • You can now add a Snippet to your Snippet Library directly from a clinical note.
  • When you invite a patient to your clinic, the email they receive is now clinic branded.
  • You can now associate practitioners to product line items on invoices, this is helpful when a practitioner needs to be listed on the invoice for insurance claims of products.

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