massage for migrant farmworkers

Why Massage is Essential for Migrant Farmworkers

March 3, 2017

There are tremendous benefits to be achieved through regular massage therapy treatments from a Registered Massage Therapist. Whether your need is to have a moment of relaxation, reduce muscle tension or attain relief from chronic pain, a therapeutic massage can enhance your overall sense of emotional and physical well-being.


But sometimes it’s about more than that. And for migrant farmworkers, it’s essential.


In a recently published article entitled, “Suffering in Silence: Migrant Farmworkers Need Massage,” author and expert, Seraine Page, writes:


“Each year, more than three million seasonal migrant farmworkers take to the soils of America’s farms, stooping, planting and picking our fruit, vegetable, flower and nut crops, according to the USDA Census of Agriculture (2012),” adding that most of these people are of Mexican heritage or citizenship—and up to 50 percent of them lack the proper documentation to work in the U.S., according to Harvest Public Media.


One of the traditional medicinal practices that many Mexican people leave behind is massage.


“With the strenuous work of bending, picking, lifting and walking, oftentimes for many hours under a hot sun, comes back pains, muscles strains and more that could be lessened through massage. Several studies have indicated, for example, that massage can help alleviate lower back pain,” Page writes.


According to studies done by the National Center for Farmworker Health and similar organizations, migrant farmers are open to complementary therapies such as massage based on historic and cultural patterns of ancient civilizations.


However, as Page writes, “Unfortunately, many migrant workers report pain as just part of the job. A small study of Hispanic workers found that acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain and injuries were commonplace, and even expected.”


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