regular massage

Why Regular Massage May Save You From Costly Medical Expenses

December 7, 2018

Massage Therapy Benefits People in Countless Ways

You may notice it when it comes to your physical and emotional needs, as well as your stress levels. You’ll find that you are at your best when you work getting a massage into your monthly routine. The real question you need to be asking is, how often should you get a massage in order to reap the most benefit?

As remedial massage therapists, I'm sure you are frequently asked this question. And, the answer is a tricky one, as it is determined by a number of factors and is entirely individual.

Before booking, it’s helpful to understand how the different types of massage can help with issues like muscle tension, flexibility, range of motion, and even insomnia.

Or, maybe it’s stress you’re dealing with. In spite of regular massage for relaxation, there may be times when you will experience periods of higher stress and greater muscle tension. If you are in a high-stress job or work in an environment that requires you to be in one position for a prolonged period of time, you may develop tightly-knotted muscles in your back, arms and shoulders. These may result in reduced movement and significant pain. In addition, constant stress increases your risk of heart disease.

Reduce Stress with Monthly Massages

Stress is the nemesis of a good night’s sleep, your stomach health, and much more—it’s even been linked to autoimmune diseases. And thus, it makes total sense that setting aside an hour per week is a solid investment in your future well-being.

Or, maybe it’s due to chronic issues. If massage therapy is performed as part of treatment for specific issues, the frequency varies according to the type of illness or injury, as well as overall health. Relief from chronic pain may only be achieved after a program of therapy that includes up to three sessions a week, and additional sessions at diminishing frequency over a few months. Chronic issues that may benefit from massage therapy include back pain, joint pain and localized inflammation.

Whatever the reason, the mind and body benefits you receive from regular massage therapy may save you from more costly medical expenses in the long run. 

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