When you receive a payment from an Insurer, you can either apply it to claims or add it as a credit to be applied to claims later.
Important Note: Claims are attached to invoices. If you need to mark a claim as paid, you must do so from the Insurer Payment section. Applying a payment to an invoice will not mark the claim as paid.
If a Patient is responsible for part of an insured invoice (for example, Co-Pay), you apply for the payment through the invoice, and the transaction is marked as TRN-123123 (as an example).
If payment is applied to a claim, it will be marked on the invoice as TRN-565565, but it is proceeded by a shield icon representing an insurer payment.
When you receive a payment from an Insurer, you can either apply it to claims or add it as a credit to be applied to claims later.
Important Note: Claims are attached to invoices. If you need to mark a claim as paid, you must do so from the Insurer Payment section. Applying a payment to an invoice will not mark the claim as paid.
If a Patient is responsible for part of an insured invoice (for example, Co-Pay), you apply for the payment through the invoice, and the transaction is marked as TRN-123123 (as an example).
If payment is applied to a claim, it will be marked on the invoice as TRN-565565, but it is proceeded by a shield icon representing an insurer payment.
When you receive a payment from an Insurer, you can either apply it to claims or add it as a credit to be applied to claims later.
Important Note: Claims are attached to invoices. If you need to mark a claim as paid, you must do so from the Insurer Payment section. Applying a payment to an invoice will not mark the claim as paid.
If a Patient is responsible for part of an insured invoice (for example, Co-Pay), you apply for the payment through the invoice, and the transaction is marked as TRN-123123 (as an example).
If payment is applied to a claim, it will be marked on the invoice as TRN-565565, but it is proceeded by a shield icon representing an insurer payment.