Adding Credit to a Patient's / Client's Account

Occasionally, you may want to add a credit to a Patient's account for them to use later.

How to add a Credit

  1. Click on the Patient's name.
  2. Click on the Billing tab.
  3. Click the Add Payment button.
  4. If there are any unpaid invoices, uncheck them and click Next: Payment Method. If there are no outstanding invoices, click Next: Add Credit.
  5. Click Add Payment Method and select the payment method.
  6. Enter the Amount of Credit to be applied.
  7. Click Pay.

Removing Patient Credits in Noterro: Error Adjustment Guide

Add Credit Card to Patient's / Client's Account

Delete Credit Card from Patient/Client's Account

Patient Financial Summary / Financial Statement

Occasionally, you may want to add a credit to a Patient's account for them to use later.

How to add a Credit

  1. Click on the Patient's name.
  2. Click on the Billing tab.
  3. Click the Add Payment button.
  4. If there are any unpaid invoices, uncheck them and click Next: Payment Method. If there are no outstanding invoices, click Next: Add Credit.
  5. Click Add Payment Method and select the payment method.
  6. Enter the Amount of Credit to be applied.
  7. Click Pay.

Occasionally, you may want to add a credit to a Patient's account for them to use later.

How to add a Credit

  1. Click on the Patient's name.
  2. Click on the Billing tab.
  3. Click the Add Payment button.
  4. If there are any unpaid invoices, uncheck them and click Next: Payment Method. If there are no outstanding invoices, click Next: Add Credit.
  5. Click Add Payment Method and select the payment method.
  6. Enter the Amount of Credit to be applied.
  7. Click Pay.

Removing Patient Credits in Noterro: Error Adjustment Guide

Add Credit Card to Patient's / Client's Account

Delete Credit Card from Patient/Client's Account

Patient Financial Summary / Financial Statement

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