Error Message when Trying to Add a Credit Card in Online Booking

When Patients add a credit card to an online booking, they may get the following error message: "Failed to create payment profile. Please enter all fields." This means you need to adjust the settings in your Bambora account.

Fixing a Credit Card Error Message

  1. Log into your Bambora account.
  2. Click on Configuration in the sidebar.
  3. Click on Payment Profile Configuration.
  4. Uncheck "Requires unique order numbers."

Deleting a Service on an Invoice that Has Already Been Paid

What are the ways to delete transactions

Editing the Payment Method on a Paid Invoice

Editing the Practitioner on an Invoice that Has Already Been Paid

Steps for Admin to Update Service Fees

How to Edit Treatment Date on Paid Invoice

How to edit transaction details like date or payment method

Signature Does Not Appear on Invoice

How to unlink transactions using three distinct methods

When Patients add a credit card to an online booking, they may get the following error message: "Failed to create payment profile. Please enter all fields." This means you need to adjust the settings in your Bambora account.

Fixing a Credit Card Error Message

  1. Log into your Bambora account.
  2. Click on Configuration in the sidebar.
  3. Click on Payment Profile Configuration.
  4. Uncheck "Requires unique order numbers."

When Patients add a credit card to an online booking, they may get the following error message: "Failed to create payment profile. Please enter all fields." This means you need to adjust the settings in your Bambora account.

Fixing a Credit Card Error Message

  1. Log into your Bambora account.
  2. Click on Configuration in the sidebar.
  3. Click on Payment Profile Configuration.
  4. Uncheck "Requires unique order numbers."

Deleting a Service on an Invoice that Has Already Been Paid

What are the ways to delete transactions

Editing the Payment Method on a Paid Invoice

Editing the Practitioner on an Invoice that Has Already Been Paid

Steps for Admin to Update Service Fees

How to Edit Treatment Date on Paid Invoice

How to edit transaction details like date or payment method

Signature Does Not Appear on Invoice

How to unlink transactions using three distinct methods

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